We look forward to seeing everyone April 4 & 5, 2025 for 2 days of training, networking and fun!
NJSACC’s Annual Conference on Afterschool and Out-of-School Time (OST) celebrates long-term success in the evolving landscape of Afterschool, OST, S.T.E.A.M. and Expanded Learning. The conference, occurring in Princeton, NJ, features over 45 workshops aimed at improving the quality of afterschool and out-of-school time programs.
You will find the information for your online reservation link below. If you have questions or need help with the link, please do not hesitate to ask. We appreciate your business and look forward to a successful event.
Event Summary:
- NJSACC Presents: New Jersey’s Annual Conference on Afterschool and Out-of-School Time (OST)
- Start Date: Friday, April 4, 2025
- End Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025
- Last Day to Book: Friday, March 14, 2025
- Conference Rates: $209 (1 day) / $334 (2 days)
- Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
- Princeton Marriott at Forrestal for $174 USD – $184 USD per night
Book your group rate for NJ School-Age Child Care Coalition Conference
To learn more and to register for NJSACC’s Annual Conference on Afterschool and OST, please visit: https://www.njsacc.org/conferences/
FRIDAY: 8:00AM – 8:45AM > APRIL 4, 2025
Registration and Continental Breakfast Begins
Friday: 8:45am – 9:45am
Welcome and Opening Session
Friday Session 1: 10:00am – 11:30am
1. NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool Deep Dive Part 1
In this comprehensive, hands-on introduction to the NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool (NJQSA), staff will learn the “why”, “how”, & value of regular self-assessment of their program. Staff will gain a stronger understanding of why self-assessment using a proven tool such as the NJQSA leads to better overall program quality for youth & staff, understand how to competently use the tool, and be able to develop and implement a quality improvement plan for their school age afterschool program.
Patricia Pugliese, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
2. Professional Development for the Youth Development Professional
Workshops and conferences (like this one!) are great, and there are lots of other types of professional development opportunities you can and should be using with your staff to strengthen their growth and increase your staff retention. This session will challenge you to think more broadly about what professional development can look like for your staff while giving them more ownership over their own growth.
Katherine Spinney, Educator, Social Worker, Facilitator, KSC, Baltimore, MD
3. Team Building for School Age Staff & Kids1. NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool Deep Dive Part 1
Always valuable, teambuilding with your staff teams and school age kids is now more important than ever! Join us for this hands-on workshop where we’ll share and explore lots of fun, interactive, reflective team building activities that strengthen and build bonds, communication, and support. Come dressed to play and have fun!
Dagmar Wojcik, Quality Team Director, NJSACC, Westfield
4 Using the OST Job Quality Standards to Address Recruitment and Retention Challenges
The recently released OST Job Quality Standards, Usage Guide, and Assessment offer actionable guidelines to enhance job quality, encourage workforce development, and address the OST field’s recruitment and retention challenges. Join this session to learn more about the Standards and hear how various audiences–from systems- to program-level personnel–can use these resources to prioritize job quality and create a more stable and effective OST workforce, ultimately improving program access, quality, and outcomes for young people.
Heidi Ham, Chief Operating Officer, National AfterSchool Association, Hatboro, PA
5. All You Need to Know About Licensing
Are you thinking about starting an afterschool program? Maybe you already run a program but just have some questions about licensing regulations. Staff from the Office of Licensing are here to help by presenting information from the Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers and answering all of your licensing questions.
Inspection Staff, Office of Licensing, NJ Department of Children & Families, Trenton
6. Building Community: Intentional Youth Engagement Strategies to Foster Resilience
More than ever, research shows that human relationships are needed to enhance social skills in children. Using the New Jersey Quality Standards at a Glance, let’s learn strategies to enhance resilience during difficult times. Participants will engage in activities that will foster relationships among themselves and the diverse student populations they serve. Come away with practical strategies that anchor to the NJQSA.
Beverly Ramos, Lead Trainer, Rutgers Southern Regional Child Care Resource & Referral Agency, Woodbury
7. Advancing Your Afterschool Career: How to Reach the Next Level in Our Field
Are you contemplating how to navigate the next steps of your career? Did you know there is a whole field of afterschool professions? In this workshop, participants will learn about the various careers in the field of afterschool and the paths to obtain those positions. Individuals will leave having created a personal professional development plan to submit to their supervisors.
Tamika Chester, Education Program Development Specialist 2, 21st CCLC Office of Student Support Services, New Jersey Department of Education, Trenton
Tyneisha K. Gibbs, Director of Policy and Youth Advocacy, NJSACC, Westfield
8. Tips, Tricks, Tools – Strategies for Training Adult Staff
This workshop is most appropriate for staff supervisors, trainers, and resource specialists.
Although the ultimate goal is to support children and youth in inclusive school-age programs, we achieve it by empowering the adult staff and providers through quality training. Learn tips for gathering information about the adult learner’s interests and needs, tricks for navigating challenging conversations and interactions, and tools to strengthen your presentation and coaching skills. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences within engaging group activities, and will leave with new resources for their training and coaching toolboxes.
Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
9. Calm the Heat – De-Escalation Techniques That Work
This instructor-led training course discusses proven de-escalation strategies that can minimize difficult conversations. Participants will learn how to recognize the key signs of escalating anger and techniques for redirecting a person who is very angry or verbally aggressive. Also, participants will discuss how to safely end de-escalation when their best efforts are not moving the person into the calm zone. Course Objectives 1. Identify when the customer is entering the “irate zone.” 2. Discover how to manage your emotions and the client’s behaviors during difficult conversations. 3. Learn the key phrases to de-escalate an irate customer. 4. Manage your body language. 5. Know when and how to end de-escalation.
Elizabeth C. Salerno, Training Coordinator, Rutgers School of Social Work, Institute for Families, New Jersey Child Support Institute, Parsippany
Friday: 11:35am – 1:20Pm
Lunch and Showcase Alley
Showcase Alley takes place on Friday, April 4, 2025 and is a special 1 day opportunity for companies and/or organizations to promote their business by securing an exhibit table. Showcase Alley is designed so that ALL conference participants are channeled through the exhibits.
Vendors, Prizes & Fun!
Join the fun in Showcase Alley! You never know what you are going to see and what new resources you might find. Come and chat with all of our vendors! And as always, there are lots of prize baskets! Each attendee gets 5 tickets to drop in the bags for a chance to win.
Prizes are delivered during sessions 2 & 3. The next lucky winner could be you! Whether you eat first or visit the ballroom first is up to you. But either way, you want to make sure that you don’t miss this!
Friday Session 2: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
10. NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool Deep Dive Part 2
* Participants must have taken the NJQSA Deep Dive Part 1 in Session 1 to participate in this session.
Building on the work and information covered in Part 1, participants will continue exploring the Standards.
Patricia Pugliese, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
11. Clarifying Team Expectations
When expectations are not met, frustration often leads to accusations of not caring or even clichéd complaints about generational differences. This session will look more closely about the most common reasons staff do not meet expectations and what you as a supervisor can do about it. We will examine both proactive and reactive strategies and discuss how to know when to keep working through the challenges and when it’s time to move on.
Katherine Spinney, Educator, Social Worker, Facilitator, KSC, Baltimore, MD
12. Enhancing OST Programming and Operations with Artificial Intelligence
Did you know that artificial intelligence (AI) can be an integral part of your OST work? This session introduces participants to ChatGPT, covering its basics and practical applications for programming and administrative tasks. Participants will also explore other AI tools to improve their programs and consider the ethical and legal implications of AI use. No prior AI experience or knowledge is required.
Angelo Monaco, Vice Principal, Linden Public Schools, Linden
13. CACFP Funding for Afterschool and Preschool Meals Available!
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides reimbursement for well-balanced, nutritious meals served to children enrolled in child day care centers, family day care homes (FDCH), after school programs, emergency shelters, and head start programs. CACFP federal funding is provided from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and paid to Program Operators through an agreement with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (state agency), based on monthly claims submitted.
Esther Ihekuna, NJDA CACFP Nutrition Program Specialist, New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Trenton
Melissa Waldron, NJDA CACFP Nutrition Program Specialist, New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Trenton
14. Fostering Equitable STEM Play in Afterschool Settings
Children learn best through hands-on play and exploration, especially when it comes to STEM. Research has shown, however, that many adults still more frequently encourage boys to do STEM activities, including using STEM-themed toys, than girls. Other research has shown that boys are provided with more opportunities for building and tinkering play in their childhoods than girls. This may subtly reinforce stereotypes about who can pursue STEM and cause girls to miss out on important playful learning experiences. Afterschool STEM experiences have the potential to strengthen children’s conceptual understanding of STEM and spark a lifelong love and interest in STEM for girls (and all youth!). Join this fun and interactive session to learn how you can effectively foster hands-on STEM play in your afterschool settings to counter stereotypes and equitably encourage all children in STEM.
Karen Peterson, CEO, National Girls Collaborative Project, Seattle, WA
Amanda Sullivan, Senior Program Developer, National Girls Collaborative Project, Seattle, WA
15. Leadership Lab: Level Up Your Site Management
Elevate your site management game and have some fun along the way! Dive into an interactive experience packed with engaging activities and lively discussions designed to boost your leadership skills, sharpen your strategic planning, and supercharge your team development. Bring your energy, enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn—and leave with free resources, practical skills, fresh ideas, and a renewed sense of confidence.
Carlos Santini, CEO, Mizzen Education, Los Angeles, CA
16. Raise Them Up!
In this workshop, we will engage staff in addressing self-regulation in areas of mindfulness, healthy behaviors, tolerance and empathy, and digital/social consciousness. This workshop provides a NEW approach to helping staff develop motivation, positive behavior and resilience. We will provide team building and hands-on activities to implement in your organization as soon as tomorrow!
Julia Gabor, Mindful Founder, kid-grit, Los Angeles, CA
Jeffrey L. Jordan, Mindful Co-Founder, kid-grit, Jersey City
17. Building Inclusive Settings that Support Behavior
This workshop is appropriate for all levels of staff. In this virtual session, we’ll explore how to use the four guiding principles of inclusion and the Kids Included Together’s (KIT) support pyramid to build a program that strengthens inclusion and behavior support.
Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
18. Stress Management: Rewrite Your Stress Story
Stress can have a major impact on all aspects of your life. This 75-minute interactive session will help you identify daily stress management techniques to implement into your life. In this session, you’ll assess your specific stressors and learn how to make stress your friend—that is, view stress as a positive force rather than a negative one. This positive thinking that usually comes with optimism, is a key part of effective stress management. Demonstrations and group activities will present ways to relieve both mental and physical stress, and you’ll walk away with proven stress tips that are easy to use.
Elizabeth C. Salerno, Training Coordinator, Rutgers School of Social Work, Institute for Families, New Jersey Child Support Institute, Parsippany
Friday Session 3: 3:15pm – 4:30pm
19. From Purpose to Progress: Coaching for Goal-Driven Success
This interactive workshop equips OST leaders with the tools to align staff goal setting with their program’s mission and vision. Participants will explore how to create SMART goals that foster continuous improvement and enhance coaching conversations. Through hands-on practice, attendees will refine their coaching techniques to ensure a direct connection between conversations and program goals. By the end of the session, participants will leave with actionable strategies to integrate coaching and feedback into their quality improvement process, effectively transforming their program’s purpose into measurable progress.
Megan Gerity, Content Supervisor, Early Childhood, Grow NJ Kids Training Services, Institute for Families, Rutgers School of Social Work, New Brunswick
20. Easy Ways to Take Your Students Outside for Health and Learning
This session will take participants to model simple activities to take your students outdoors. We will explore experiential learning that will support learning in science, ELA, and art as well as help students become mentally and physically healthier.
Roberta Hunter, Education Program Manager, New Jersey Audubon, Bernardsville
21. Public Speaking: Building Resiliency in Youth
The best way to become a good public speaker is to practice, practice, practice. The best way to become an excellent public speaker is confidence, knowledge, and passion. In this session, you will not only get to participate in confidence-boosting public speaking sessions, but you will also learn how to implement a public speaking program for youth.
Melissa Bright, Somerset County 4-H Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Somerset County, Bridgewater
22. From Distraction to Action: Boosting Students’ Executive Function Skills
This dynamic workshop is designed for educators and youth development professionals committed to empowering students by enhancing their executive function skills—skills that are critical for focus, organization, and academic success. Participants will explore actionable strategies to create a learning environment that nurtures these abilities, providing practical tools to manage classroom challenges and improve student engagement and behavior. Walk away with proven techniques to help students overcome distractions, improve their organization, and develop the skills needed to succeed both inside and outside the classroom.
Sonia Toledo, Founder and CEO, Dignity of Children, Inc., New York, NY
23. Fast, Easy Games to Play with Minimal Supplies
Are you operating on a shoestring budget? Are you always looking for easy-to-prep games that can be quickly scaled up or down for multiple age groups or skill levels? Join us to learn minute-to-win-it and other fast and fun games to get kids up and moving, cheering each other on, and taking ideas home to challenge their parents and siblings. You’ll leave with a slew of games you can facilitate with minimal, readily available supplies.
Becca Gutwirth, Program Consultant, Medford
24. Knowing Your People: How to Engage Students, Staff and Stakeholders
This training is designed to equip participants with effective strategies for engaging staff, students, and stakeholders in various work, events, and community initiatives. It will cover essential communication techniques, collaboration methods, and relationship-building practices that foster active involvement, strengthen partnerships, and promote shared goals. Attendees will learn how to create inclusive environments that encourage participation, enhance teamwork, and drive impactful engagement in both academic and organizational settings.
Dorine Francis, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
Kandece Francis, Quality Support Manager, NJSACC, Westfield
25. Unlocking Potential: Exploring the Holistic Wellness Wheel through Sports-Based Youth Development
Join us for a dynamic, hands-on session where you’ll discover how to utilize the latest kid-grit Holistic Wellness Wheel (HWW) to support the development of young athletes. This tool focuses on enhancing self-awareness, responsible decision-making, self-management, social and cultural awareness, and promoting digital and social media mindfulness. You’ll experience how the HWW fosters community-building, goal-setting, and deep reflection. Take a deep dive into kid-grit’s unique approach to holistic human development for young athletes.
Julia Gabor, Mindful Founder, kid-grit, Los Angeles, CA
Jeffrey L. Jordan, Mindful Co-Founder, kid-grit, Jersey City
26. Responding to Unsafe Behavior
This workshop is appropriate for all levels of staff. In this workshop, we’ll explore different characteristics of children who use unsafe behavior, the underlying influences on those behaviors, and how our own perceptions can influence our responses. We’ll look at options for interpreting and responding to behavior in new and effective ways.
Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
27. Be Prepared: Getting Ready for the Information Literacy Standards
Learn how you can play a role in the implementation of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in information literacy being developed by the NJ Department of Education. Gain an understanding of information literacy basics and the resources and partners available for support.
Sharon Rawlins, Youth Services Specialist, New Jersey State Library, Trenton
Saturday: 8:00am – 8:30am > April 5, 2025
Registration and Continental Breakfast Begins
Saturday: 8:30am – 9:30am
Saturday Opening Session – The Future Starts with Connection
The Future Starts with Connection. Come start Saturday morning with Carlos Santini, CEO of Mizzen. Carlos will explore the technology behind relationship building that will set youth up for success!
Saturday Session 1: 9:45am – 11:15am
28. Getting to the Money: Grant Writing Made Easy
Identifying and sustaining funding opportunities can be one of the most challenging tasks of out-of-school time (OST) programs. Many program providers have varied backgrounds and experience levels which could either help or hinder their ability to effectively identify and craft high-quality grant narratives. In this workshop, OST program providers will learn the basics of crafting a high-quality grant narrative and budget for foundational grant opportunities, identify potential upcoming opportunities, and learn best practices centered on grant writing.
Sheneika Simmons, Founder/Principal Consultant, Simmons Leadership Services, LLC, Wake Forest, NC
29. Hurry Up and Wait…
Waiting for the bus? The bathroom? The other kids to finish up in the gym? Instead of standing around, take out your “Hurry Up & Wait . . .” tool kit of activities and ideas for anytime your group finds itself with some unscheduled time on its hands. This very active, hands on workshop introduces quick, engaging activities for a broad range of ages that keeps groups positively engaged, even during the most unexpected times so that everyone’s having fun instead of hurrying up and waiting. Come dressed to play!
Dagmar Wojcik, Quality Team Director, NJSACC, Westfield
30. Yes, There’s a Difference Between a Manager and a Supervisor… Fascinating Isn’t It?
A manager and a supervisor are both important roles, but they have distinct differences. Both are responsible for leading and motivating the team, but there’s a time to manage and a time to supervise. Whether you are new to the leadership team or are a seasoned veteran, this workshop will help you take a closer look at the difference between management versus leadership and how to navigate and pivot between the two.
Dorine Francis, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
31. NBA Math Hoops – Creating the Next Math Champion
NBA Math Hoops leverages the game of basketball and the NBA/WNBA brands to build fundamental math and social-emotional skills through a physical and digital basketball-themed board game, a curriculum, and a community program experience. Designed for students in grades 4-8, this free program develops students’ algebra readiness prior to entering high school, while strengthening important skills including self-regulation and executive function.
Steve Young, Manager Program Outreach & Recruitment, Learn Fresh, Philadelphia, PA
32. From Concept to Celebration: Building Engaging Curriculum and Culminating Events
In this session, participants will learn how to design engaging afterschool curricula that lead to impactful culminating events showcasing youth achievements. The training will cover aligning curriculum with organizational goals, fostering youth development, and building strategic partnerships with community organizations, schools, and businesses. Participants will leave with actionable tools and steps to implement effective programs, create meaningful events, and collaborate with partners to extend the reach and impact of their work.
Christina Jones, Chief Operating Officer, Boys and Girls Club of Mercer County, Lawrence
33. Navigating Your Influence: Effective Advocacy for Out of School Time
This workshop provides strategies to identify your advocacy sphere and amplify youth voices effectively in initiatives like Youth Advocacy Day. Attendees will explore lobbying vs. advocacy, enhancing outreach, and navigating the legislative process to influence change.
Isaiah Fudge, Director of Positive Youth Development at Advocates for Children of New Jersey, Newark
Tyneisha K. Gibbs, Director of Policy and Youth Advocacy, NJSACC, Westfield
34. Hugging an Elephant: Embracing Courageous Conversations in Our Spaces
Elephants are huge. Can you imagine giving one a hug? There are moments where we are faced with something like an elephant, and we may not feel like even getting close enough to address it. It can be intimidating and potentially messy. This session is inspired by the work of Glenn Singleton and Cyndie Hays who coined the term “courageous conversations”. Together we will explore creating authentic dialogue in our spaces around difficult and uncomfortable issues.
Hillary Jones, Director, Professional Learning, Foundations, Inc, Mt. Laurel
35. Planning Support for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
This workshop is appropriate for all levels of staff. Autism Spectrum Disorder impacts the developmental skills of children and youth in a variety of ways that can affect their participation and relationships. This training will explore strategies to support social interactions, communication, and sensory processing needs.
Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
36. Healthier Generation “Me Moment” Retreat
Join Healthier Generation for a Me Moment retreat, a workshop to help staff, families, and kids feel their best. Learn how to set up a calm space at work or home and try simple activities to lower stress and feel more relaxed. These tools are key for preventing burnout, improving mental health, and building lifelong habits for well-being. You’ll also receive a list of free resources to share with coworkers, family, and youth to help everyone stay healthy and happy. A few lucky attendees will win a “Me Moment” gift bag!
Daniel Hatcher, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Washington DC
Saturday: 11:30am – 12:15Pm
Saturday Session 2: 12:30pm – 1:45pm
37. AI for Afterschool: A Virtual Assistant for OST Professionals
In this fun, hands-on session, Adam Cruz, NJSACC’s Chief Operating Officer will demystify how AI can help streamline daily afterschool and OST program tasks, protocols, and step-by-step guides. Attendees will explore how AI works and learn how to use it as a virtual assistant to expedite communications, documentation, and planning. Whether you’re explaining processes for newly hired staff, managing vendor outreach or following up with parents, you’ll leave with practical AI tools to simplify your workflow, save time, and focus more on youth engagement!
Adam Cruz, COO, NJSACC, Westfield
38. Planning Engaging Activities
Are your kids engaged? Did you know that having planned activities can decrease the amount of misbehaviors in your group or program? In this hands-on workshop, participants will review different learning styles, determine appropriate activities by age and stage, and learn how to effectively organize and document their activity plans.
Patricia Pugliese, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
39. 21st Century Afterschool Science Project (21st CASP)
Explore water and water ecosystems in this hands-on sampler of activities to be found in 21st CASP’s free, inquiry based, science curriculum that’s fun for all school age programs. This is a great STEM resource to add to your afterschool program to engage staff and students in the wonders of science!
Kandece Francis, Quality Support Manager, NJSACC, Westfield
40. MLB Players STEM League – Creating the Next Math Champion
Launched in partnership with the MLB Players Trust, MLB Players STEM League is a baseball-inspired program for students in grades 4-8. The program brings to life the energy of the sport through a board game and curriculum that cultivate students’ math and social-emotional skills. The program is FREE for youth-development organizations and schools of all types, helping young people build new skills, confidence, and a passion for learning through a fun and engaging program rooted in sport.
Steve Young, Manager Program Outreach & Recruitment, Learn Fresh, Philadelphia, PA
41. The ABCs of Playground Safety
In this engaging, newly updated workshop, learn how to properly analyze playgrounds for potential problems and hazards; recognize unsafe play; effectively monitor play areas; develop methods of communication for use in emergency situations; and learn how to develop an effective supervision plan to reduce injuries and promote safe play.
TJ Coakley, BS, MBA, CPT, NJSACC Board Member, Co-Owner, Harrison Kids and Fun and Fit Aftercare, Mullica Hill
42. Self-Care to Keep Us Thriving!
OST professionals and providers are natural caretakers that often sacrifice themselves, in order to serve and support youth and families. Consistency in our own self-care is essential for any professional; particularly youth development professionals working to provide high quality OST programming. In this workshop, we will discuss a holistic approach to self-care and participants will learn and implement strategies, tips and tricks to manage stress to function at our best and be aware of indicators of burnout.
Ebony Grace, CEO, NJSACC, Westfield
43. Not Artsy? Not a Problem: Unlocking Creativity for Everyone
Discover how to lead dynamic art activities—even if you don’t consider yourself artistic! In this hands-on workshop, OST leaders will explore the difference between creativity and artistic skill, learning how to reframe arts activities as powerful tools for youth development. Through practical exercises, leaders will gain confidence in leading arts-based projects that foster self-expression, problem-solving, and collaboration. Unlock creativity in every young person, supporting their growth and engagement in a fun and inclusive way!
Hillary Jones, Director, Professional Learning, Foundations, Inc, Mt. Laurel
44. Turning Down the Heat on Behavior
This workshop is appropriate for all levels of staff. Children use behavior. Providers are challenged by behavior. This training will introduce the Kids Included Together (KIT) Behavior Thermometer to help participants distinguish between typical, challenging, concerning, and unsafe behavior.
By Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
45. Preschool Expansion- Where do we start and how does it affect the OST space?
Is your local school district adding pre-K classes? Are you considering including 3 and 4 year-olds in before and afterschool care? Join us to hear firsthand how you can begin to navigate this change. We’ll discuss the positives and potential pitfalls, and help you make a list of things to plan for. Topics will include staff hiring and training, how to adapt lesson plans and activities, and how to message with parents. We’ll also have time set aside for a pair/share and group-think session to brainstorm any issues you might currently be encountering.
Becca Gutwirth, Program Consultant, Medford
Saturday Session 3: 2:00pm – 3:15pm
46. A Celebration of Community
As we close the conference, we’ll gather as a community to reflect on the inspiring moments we’ve shared, connections we’ve made, and lessons we’ve learned. Together, we’ll set intentions for the year ahead and take a moment to express gratitude for one another and ourselves. Leave feeling recharged, connected, and ready to continue making a positive impact. A few lucky attendees will win a The Walking Classroom WalkKit.
Daniel Hatcher, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Washington DC
Conference Fees:
$334 / 2 days
$209 / 1 day
The conference fee includes conference materials, continental breakfast, lunch and break stations throughout the day.
NOTE: As part of our annual conference planning process, NJSACC regularly requests a waiver on the prohibition of in-State overnight travel that applies to school district staff. This allows principals or other school district staff to stay overnight. The waiver for NJSACC’s 2024 conference is forthcoming.
Conference Location and Accommodations:
The Marriott Princeton Hotel and Conference Center at Forrestal
100 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540
Room Reservations:
- Room Rates: from $174 – $184 per night
- Reservations must be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott reservations at (800) 228-9290 or (609) 452-7800.
- When you call make sure to mention the NJSACC Conference and the dates of the conference in order to receive the conference rate.
- Click here to make your room reservations online.
- Room reservations must be made on or before Friday, March 14, 2025.
While we at NJSACC love children and they are a driving force behind the work we do, children may not attend the conference. The conference is a professional development opportunity for adults, and as such, we respectfully request that you take this time to focus on you. If you do bring children, we must insist that you make other arrangements during conference hours. Children will not be permitted in the lunch area or in the workshops.
This conference is funded in part by the:
- NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development as part of a Federal CCDF Block Grant Earmark federal funds under Every Student Succeeds Act, Title IV, Part B, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, through a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Education.
For questions, please contact Jessica Heiberg, Director of Program Services, at: jessicaheiberg@njsacc.org and 908-789-0259
Interested sponsors should contact NJSACC via email here.
Click here to see the wrap-up from the 2024 Conference
FRIDAY: 8:00AM – 8:45AM > APRIL 4, 2025
Registration and Continental Breakfast Begins
Friday: 8:45am – 9:45am
Welcome and Opening Session
Friday Session 1: 10:00am – 11:30am
1. NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool Deep Dive Part 1
In this comprehensive, hands-on introduction to the NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool (NJQSA), staff will learn the “why”, “how”, & value of regular self-assessment of their program. Staff will gain a stronger understanding of why self-assessment using a proven tool such as the NJQSA leads to better overall program quality for youth & staff, understand how to competently use the tool, and be able to develop and implement a quality improvement plan for their school age afterschool program.
Patricia Pugliese, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
2. Professional Development for the Youth Development Professional
Workshops and conferences (like this one!) are great, and there are lots of other types of professional development opportunities you can and should be using with your staff to strengthen their growth and increase your staff retention. This session will challenge you to think more broadly about what professional development can look like for your staff while giving them more ownership over their own growth.
Katherine Spinney, Educator, Social Worker, Facilitator, KSC, Baltimore, MD
3. Team Building for School Age Staff & Kids1. NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool Deep Dive Part 1
Always valuable, teambuilding with your staff teams and school age kids is now more important than ever! Join us for this hands-on workshop where we’ll share and explore lots of fun, interactive, reflective team building activities that strengthen and build bonds, communication, and support. Come dressed to play and have fun!
Dagmar Wojcik, Quality Team Director, NJSACC, Westfield
4 Using the OST Job Quality Standards to Address Recruitment and Retention Challenges
The recently released OST Job Quality Standards, Usage Guide, and Assessment offer actionable guidelines to enhance job quality, encourage workforce development, and address the OST field’s recruitment and retention challenges. Join this session to learn more about the Standards and hear how various audiences–from systems- to program-level personnel–can use these resources to prioritize job quality and create a more stable and effective OST workforce, ultimately improving program access, quality, and outcomes for young people.
Heidi Ham, Chief Operating Officer, National AfterSchool Association, Hatboro, PA
5. All You Need to Know About Licensing
Are you thinking about starting an afterschool program? Maybe you already run a program but just have some questions about licensing regulations. Staff from the Office of Licensing are here to help by presenting information from the Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers and answering all of your licensing questions.
Inspection Staff, Office of Licensing, NJ Department of Children & Families, Trenton
6. Building Community: Intentional Youth Engagement Strategies to Foster Resilience
More than ever, research shows that human relationships are needed to enhance social skills in children. Using the New Jersey Quality Standards at a Glance, let’s learn strategies to enhance resilience during difficult times. Participants will engage in activities that will foster relationships among themselves and the diverse student populations they serve. Come away with practical strategies that anchor to the NJQSA.
Beverly Ramos, Lead Trainer, Rutgers Southern Regional Child Care Resource & Referral Agency, Woodbury
7. Advancing Your Afterschool Career: How to Reach the Next Level in Our Field
Are you contemplating how to navigate the next steps of your career? Did you know there is a whole field of afterschool professions? In this workshop, participants will learn about the various careers in the field of afterschool and the paths to obtain those positions. Individuals will leave having created a personal professional development plan to submit to their supervisors.
Tamika Chester, Education Program Development Specialist 2, 21st CCLC Office of Student Support Services, New Jersey Department of Education, Trenton
Tyneisha K. Gibbs, Director of Policy and Youth Advocacy, NJSACC, Westfield
8. Tips, Tricks, Tools – Strategies for Training Adult Staff
This workshop is most appropriate for staff supervisors, trainers, and resource specialists.
Although the ultimate goal is to support children and youth in inclusive school-age programs, we achieve it by empowering the adult staff and providers through quality training. Learn tips for gathering information about the adult learner’s interests and needs, tricks for navigating challenging conversations and interactions, and tools to strengthen your presentation and coaching skills. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences within engaging group activities, and will leave with new resources for their training and coaching toolboxes.
Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
9. Calm the Heat – De-Escalation Techniques That Work
This instructor-led training course discusses proven de-escalation strategies that can minimize difficult conversations. Participants will learn how to recognize the key signs of escalating anger and techniques for redirecting a person who is very angry or verbally aggressive. Also, participants will discuss how to safely end de-escalation when their best efforts are not moving the person into the calm zone. Course Objectives 1. Identify when the customer is entering the “irate zone.” 2. Discover how to manage your emotions and the client’s behaviors during difficult conversations. 3. Learn the key phrases to de-escalate an irate customer. 4. Manage your body language. 5. Know when and how to end de-escalation.
Elizabeth C. Salerno, Training Coordinator, Rutgers School of Social Work, Institute for Families, New Jersey Child Support Institute, Parsippany
Friday: 11:35am – 1:20Pm
Lunch and Showcase Alley
Showcase Alley takes place on Friday, April 4, 2025 and is a special 1 day opportunity for companies and/or organizations to promote their business by securing an exhibit table. Showcase Alley is designed so that ALL conference participants are channeled through the exhibits.
Vendors, Prizes & Fun!
Join the fun in Showcase Alley! You never know what you are going to see and what new resources you might find. Come and chat with all of our vendors! And as always, there are lots of prize baskets! Each attendee gets 5 tickets to drop in the bags for a chance to win.
Prizes are delivered during sessions 2 & 3. The next lucky winner could be you! Whether you eat first or visit the ballroom first is up to you. But either way, you want to make sure that you don’t miss this!
Friday Session 2: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
10. NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool Deep Dive Part 2
* Participants must have taken the NJQSA Deep Dive Part 1 in Session 1 to participate in this session.
Building on the work and information covered in Part 1, participants will continue exploring the Standards.
Patricia Pugliese, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
11. Clarifying Team Expectations
When expectations are not met, frustration often leads to accusations of not caring or even clichéd complaints about generational differences. This session will look more closely about the most common reasons staff do not meet expectations and what you as a supervisor can do about it. We will examine both proactive and reactive strategies and discuss how to know when to keep working through the challenges and when it’s time to move on.
Katherine Spinney, Educator, Social Worker, Facilitator, KSC, Baltimore, MD
12. Enhancing OST Programming and Operations with Artificial Intelligence
Did you know that artificial intelligence (AI) can be an integral part of your OST work? This session introduces participants to ChatGPT, covering its basics and practical applications for programming and administrative tasks. Participants will also explore other AI tools to improve their programs and consider the ethical and legal implications of AI use. No prior AI experience or knowledge is required.
Angelo Monaco, Vice Principal, Linden Public Schools, Linden
13. CACFP Funding for Afterschool and Preschool Meals Available!
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides reimbursement for well-balanced, nutritious meals served to children enrolled in child day care centers, family day care homes (FDCH), after school programs, emergency shelters, and head start programs. CACFP federal funding is provided from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and paid to Program Operators through an agreement with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (state agency), based on monthly claims submitted.
Esther Ihekuna, NJDA CACFP Nutrition Program Specialist, New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Trenton
Melissa Waldron, NJDA CACFP Nutrition Program Specialist, New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Trenton
14. Fostering Equitable STEM Play in Afterschool Settings
Children learn best through hands-on play and exploration, especially when it comes to STEM. Research has shown, however, that many adults still more frequently encourage boys to do STEM activities, including using STEM-themed toys, than girls. Other research has shown that boys are provided with more opportunities for building and tinkering play in their childhoods than girls. This may subtly reinforce stereotypes about who can pursue STEM and cause girls to miss out on important playful learning experiences. Afterschool STEM experiences have the potential to strengthen children’s conceptual understanding of STEM and spark a lifelong love and interest in STEM for girls (and all youth!). Join this fun and interactive session to learn how you can effectively foster hands-on STEM play in your afterschool settings to counter stereotypes and equitably encourage all children in STEM.
Karen Peterson, CEO, National Girls Collaborative Project, Seattle, WA
Amanda Sullivan, Senior Program Developer, National Girls Collaborative Project, Seattle, WA
15. Leadership Lab: Level Up Your Site Management
Elevate your site management game and have some fun along the way! Dive into an interactive experience packed with engaging activities and lively discussions designed to boost your leadership skills, sharpen your strategic planning, and supercharge your team development. Bring your energy, enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn—and leave with free resources, practical skills, fresh ideas, and a renewed sense of confidence.
Carlos Santini, CEO, Mizzen Education, Los Angeles, CA
16. Raise Them Up!
In this workshop, we will engage staff in addressing self-regulation in areas of mindfulness, healthy behaviors, tolerance and empathy, and digital/social consciousness. This workshop provides a NEW approach to helping staff develop motivation, positive behavior and resilience. We will provide team building and hands-on activities to implement in your organization as soon as tomorrow!
Julia Gabor, Mindful Founder, kid-grit, Los Angeles, CA
Jeffrey L. Jordan, Mindful Co-Founder, kid-grit, Jersey City
17. Building Inclusive Settings that Support Behavior
This workshop is appropriate for all levels of staff. In this virtual session, we’ll explore how to use the four guiding principles of inclusion and the Kids Included Together’s (KIT) support pyramid to build a program that strengthens inclusion and behavior support.
Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
18. Stress Management: Rewrite Your Stress Story
Stress can have a major impact on all aspects of your life. This 75-minute interactive session will help you identify daily stress management techniques to implement into your life. In this session, you’ll assess your specific stressors and learn how to make stress your friend—that is, view stress as a positive force rather than a negative one. This positive thinking that usually comes with optimism, is a key part of effective stress management. Demonstrations and group activities will present ways to relieve both mental and physical stress, and you’ll walk away with proven stress tips that are easy to use.
Elizabeth C. Salerno, Training Coordinator, Rutgers School of Social Work, Institute for Families, New Jersey Child Support Institute, Parsippany
Friday Session 3: 3:15pm – 4:30pm
19. From Purpose to Progress: Coaching for Goal-Driven Success
This interactive workshop equips OST leaders with the tools to align staff goal setting with their program’s mission and vision. Participants will explore how to create SMART goals that foster continuous improvement and enhance coaching conversations. Through hands-on practice, attendees will refine their coaching techniques to ensure a direct connection between conversations and program goals. By the end of the session, participants will leave with actionable strategies to integrate coaching and feedback into their quality improvement process, effectively transforming their program’s purpose into measurable progress.
Megan Gerity, Content Supervisor, Early Childhood, Grow NJ Kids Training Services, Institute for Families, Rutgers School of Social Work, New Brunswick
20. Easy Ways to Take Your Students Outside for Health and Learning
This session will take participants to model simple activities to take your students outdoors. We will explore experiential learning that will support learning in science, ELA, and art as well as help students become mentally and physically healthier.
Roberta Hunter, Education Program Manager, New Jersey Audubon, Bernardsville
21. Public Speaking: Building Resiliency in Youth
The best way to become a good public speaker is to practice, practice, practice. The best way to become an excellent public speaker is confidence, knowledge, and passion. In this session, you will not only get to participate in confidence-boosting public speaking sessions, but you will also learn how to implement a public speaking program for youth.
Melissa Bright, Somerset County 4-H Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Somerset County, Bridgewater
22. From Distraction to Action: Boosting Students’ Executive Function Skills
This dynamic workshop is designed for educators and youth development professionals committed to empowering students by enhancing their executive function skills—skills that are critical for focus, organization, and academic success. Participants will explore actionable strategies to create a learning environment that nurtures these abilities, providing practical tools to manage classroom challenges and improve student engagement and behavior. Walk away with proven techniques to help students overcome distractions, improve their organization, and develop the skills needed to succeed both inside and outside the classroom.
Sonia Toledo, Founder and CEO, Dignity of Children, Inc., New York, NY
23. Fast, Easy Games to Play with Minimal Supplies
Are you operating on a shoestring budget? Are you always looking for easy-to-prep games that can be quickly scaled up or down for multiple age groups or skill levels? Join us to learn minute-to-win-it and other fast and fun games to get kids up and moving, cheering each other on, and taking ideas home to challenge their parents and siblings. You’ll leave with a slew of games you can facilitate with minimal, readily available supplies.
Becca Gutwirth, Program Consultant, Medford
24. Knowing Your People: How to Engage Students, Staff and Stakeholders
This training is designed to equip participants with effective strategies for engaging staff, students, and stakeholders in various work, events, and community initiatives. It will cover essential communication techniques, collaboration methods, and relationship-building practices that foster active involvement, strengthen partnerships, and promote shared goals. Attendees will learn how to create inclusive environments that encourage participation, enhance teamwork, and drive impactful engagement in both academic and organizational settings.
Dorine Francis, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
Kandece Francis, Quality Support Manager, NJSACC, Westfield
25. Unlocking Potential: Exploring the Holistic Wellness Wheel through Sports-Based Youth Development
Join us for a dynamic, hands-on session where you’ll discover how to utilize the latest kid-grit Holistic Wellness Wheel (HWW) to support the development of young athletes. This tool focuses on enhancing self-awareness, responsible decision-making, self-management, social and cultural awareness, and promoting digital and social media mindfulness. You’ll experience how the HWW fosters community-building, goal-setting, and deep reflection. Take a deep dive into kid-grit’s unique approach to holistic human development for young athletes.
Julia Gabor, Mindful Founder, kid-grit, Los Angeles, CA
Jeffrey L. Jordan, Mindful Co-Founder, kid-grit, Jersey City
26. Responding to Unsafe Behavior
This workshop is appropriate for all levels of staff. In this workshop, we’ll explore different characteristics of children who use unsafe behavior, the underlying influences on those behaviors, and how our own perceptions can influence our responses. We’ll look at options for interpreting and responding to behavior in new and effective ways.
Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
27. Be Prepared: Getting Ready for the Information Literacy Standards
Learn how you can play a role in the implementation of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in information literacy being developed by the NJ Department of Education. Gain an understanding of information literacy basics and the resources and partners available for support.
Sharon Rawlins, Youth Services Specialist, New Jersey State Library, Trenton
Saturday: 8:00am – 8:30am > April 5, 2025
Registration and Continental Breakfast Begins
Saturday: 8:30am – 9:30am
Saturday Opening Session – The Future Starts with Connection
The Future Starts with Connection. Come start Saturday morning with Carlos Santini, CEO of Mizzen. Carlos will explore the technology behind relationship building that will set youth up for success!
Saturday Session 1: 9:45am – 11:15am
28. Getting to the Money: Grant Writing Made Easy
Identifying and sustaining funding opportunities can be one of the most challenging tasks of out-of-school time (OST) programs. Many program providers have varied backgrounds and experience levels which could either help or hinder their ability to effectively identify and craft high-quality grant narratives. In this workshop, OST program providers will learn the basics of crafting a high-quality grant narrative and budget for foundational grant opportunities, identify potential upcoming opportunities, and learn best practices centered on grant writing.
Sheneika Simmons, Founder/Principal Consultant, Simmons Leadership Services, LLC, Wake Forest, NC
29. Hurry Up and Wait…
Waiting for the bus? The bathroom? The other kids to finish up in the gym? Instead of standing around, take out your “Hurry Up & Wait . . .” tool kit of activities and ideas for anytime your group finds itself with some unscheduled time on its hands. This very active, hands on workshop introduces quick, engaging activities for a broad range of ages that keeps groups positively engaged, even during the most unexpected times so that everyone’s having fun instead of hurrying up and waiting. Come dressed to play!
Dagmar Wojcik, Quality Team Director, NJSACC, Westfield
30. Yes, There’s a Difference Between a Manager and a Supervisor… Fascinating Isn’t It?
A manager and a supervisor are both important roles, but they have distinct differences. Both are responsible for leading and motivating the team, but there’s a time to manage and a time to supervise. Whether you are new to the leadership team or are a seasoned veteran, this workshop will help you take a closer look at the difference between management versus leadership and how to navigate and pivot between the two.
Dorine Francis, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
31. NBA Math Hoops – Creating the Next Math Champion
NBA Math Hoops leverages the game of basketball and the NBA/WNBA brands to build fundamental math and social-emotional skills through a physical and digital basketball-themed board game, a curriculum, and a community program experience. Designed for students in grades 4-8, this free program develops students’ algebra readiness prior to entering high school, while strengthening important skills including self-regulation and executive function.
Steve Young, Manager Program Outreach & Recruitment, Learn Fresh, Philadelphia, PA
32. From Concept to Celebration: Building Engaging Curriculum and Culminating Events
In this session, participants will learn how to design engaging afterschool curricula that lead to impactful culminating events showcasing youth achievements. The training will cover aligning curriculum with organizational goals, fostering youth development, and building strategic partnerships with community organizations, schools, and businesses. Participants will leave with actionable tools and steps to implement effective programs, create meaningful events, and collaborate with partners to extend the reach and impact of their work.
Christina Jones, Chief Operating Officer, Boys and Girls Club of Mercer County, Lawrence
33. Navigating Your Influence: Effective Advocacy for Out of School Time
This workshop provides strategies to identify your advocacy sphere and amplify youth voices effectively in initiatives like Youth Advocacy Day. Attendees will explore lobbying vs. advocacy, enhancing outreach, and navigating the legislative process to influence change.
Isaiah Fudge, Director of Positive Youth Development at Advocates for Children of New Jersey, Newark
Tyneisha K. Gibbs, Director of Policy and Youth Advocacy, NJSACC, Westfield
34. Hugging an Elephant: Embracing Courageous Conversations in Our Spaces
Elephants are huge. Can you imagine giving one a hug? There are moments where we are faced with something like an elephant, and we may not feel like even getting close enough to address it. It can be intimidating and potentially messy. This session is inspired by the work of Glenn Singleton and Cyndie Hays who coined the term “courageous conversations”. Together we will explore creating authentic dialogue in our spaces around difficult and uncomfortable issues.
Hillary Jones, Director, Professional Learning, Foundations, Inc, Mt. Laurel
35. Planning Support for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
This workshop is appropriate for all levels of staff. Autism Spectrum Disorder impacts the developmental skills of children and youth in a variety of ways that can affect their participation and relationships. This training will explore strategies to support social interactions, communication, and sensory processing needs.
Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
36. Healthier Generation “Me Moment” Retreat
Join Healthier Generation for a Me Moment retreat, a workshop to help staff, families, and kids feel their best. Learn how to set up a calm space at work or home and try simple activities to lower stress and feel more relaxed. These tools are key for preventing burnout, improving mental health, and building lifelong habits for well-being. You’ll also receive a list of free resources to share with coworkers, family, and youth to help everyone stay healthy and happy. A few lucky attendees will win a “Me Moment” gift bag!
Daniel Hatcher, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Washington DC
Saturday: 11:30am – 12:15Pm
Saturday Session 2: 12:30pm – 1:45pm
37. AI for Afterschool: A Virtual Assistant for OST Professionals
In this fun, hands-on session, Adam Cruz, NJSACC’s Chief Operating Officer will demystify how AI can help streamline daily afterschool and OST program tasks, protocols, and step-by-step guides. Attendees will explore how AI works and learn how to use it as a virtual assistant to expedite communications, documentation, and planning. Whether you’re explaining processes for newly hired staff, managing vendor outreach or following up with parents, you’ll leave with practical AI tools to simplify your workflow, save time, and focus more on youth engagement!
Adam Cruz, COO, NJSACC, Westfield
38. Planning Engaging Activities
Are your kids engaged? Did you know that having planned activities can decrease the amount of misbehaviors in your group or program? In this hands-on workshop, participants will review different learning styles, determine appropriate activities by age and stage, and learn how to effectively organize and document their activity plans.
Patricia Pugliese, Technical Assistance Specialist, NJSACC, Westfield
39. 21st Century Afterschool Science Project (21st CASP)
Explore water and water ecosystems in this hands-on sampler of activities to be found in 21st CASP’s free, inquiry based, science curriculum that’s fun for all school age programs. This is a great STEM resource to add to your afterschool program to engage staff and students in the wonders of science!
Kandece Francis, Quality Support Manager, NJSACC, Westfield
40. MLB Players STEM League – Creating the Next Math Champion
Launched in partnership with the MLB Players Trust, MLB Players STEM League is a baseball-inspired program for students in grades 4-8. The program brings to life the energy of the sport through a board game and curriculum that cultivate students’ math and social-emotional skills. The program is FREE for youth-development organizations and schools of all types, helping young people build new skills, confidence, and a passion for learning through a fun and engaging program rooted in sport.
Steve Young, Manager Program Outreach & Recruitment, Learn Fresh, Philadelphia, PA
41. The ABCs of Playground Safety
In this engaging, newly updated workshop, learn how to properly analyze playgrounds for potential problems and hazards; recognize unsafe play; effectively monitor play areas; develop methods of communication for use in emergency situations; and learn how to develop an effective supervision plan to reduce injuries and promote safe play.
TJ Coakley, BS, MBA, CPT, NJSACC Board Member, Co-Owner, Harrison Kids and Fun and Fit Aftercare, Mullica Hill
42. Self-Care to Keep Us Thriving!
OST professionals and providers are natural caretakers that often sacrifice themselves, in order to serve and support youth and families. Consistency in our own self-care is essential for any professional; particularly youth development professionals working to provide high quality OST programming. In this workshop, we will discuss a holistic approach to self-care and participants will learn and implement strategies, tips and tricks to manage stress to function at our best and be aware of indicators of burnout.
Ebony Grace, CEO, NJSACC, Westfield
43. Not Artsy? Not a Problem: Unlocking Creativity for Everyone
Discover how to lead dynamic art activities—even if you don’t consider yourself artistic! In this hands-on workshop, OST leaders will explore the difference between creativity and artistic skill, learning how to reframe arts activities as powerful tools for youth development. Through practical exercises, leaders will gain confidence in leading arts-based projects that foster self-expression, problem-solving, and collaboration. Unlock creativity in every young person, supporting their growth and engagement in a fun and inclusive way!
Hillary Jones, Director, Professional Learning, Foundations, Inc, Mt. Laurel
44. Turning Down the Heat on Behavior
This workshop is appropriate for all levels of staff. Children use behavior. Providers are challenged by behavior. This training will introduce the Kids Included Together (KIT) Behavior Thermometer to help participants distinguish between typical, challenging, concerning, and unsafe behavior.
By Phillip Collazo, MSEd, CYT, Education and Training Specialist, Kids Included Together, Fort Lauderdale, FL
45. Preschool Expansion- Where do we start and how does it affect the OST space?
Is your local school district adding pre-K classes? Are you considering including 3 and 4 year-olds in before and afterschool care? Join us to hear firsthand how you can begin to navigate this change. We’ll discuss the positives and potential pitfalls, and help you make a list of things to plan for. Topics will include staff hiring and training, how to adapt lesson plans and activities, and how to message with parents. We’ll also have time set aside for a pair/share and group-think session to brainstorm any issues you might currently be encountering.
Becca Gutwirth, Program Consultant, Medford
Saturday Session 3: 2:00pm – 3:15pm
46. A Celebration of Community
As we close the conference, we’ll gather as a community to reflect on the inspiring moments we’ve shared, connections we’ve made, and lessons we’ve learned. Together, we’ll set intentions for the year ahead and take a moment to express gratitude for one another and ourselves. Leave feeling recharged, connected, and ready to continue making a positive impact. A few lucky attendees will win a The Walking Classroom WalkKit.
Daniel Hatcher, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Washington DC
Conference Fees:
$334 / 2 days
$209 / 1 day
The conference fee includes conference materials, continental breakfast, lunch and break stations throughout the day.
NOTE: As part of our annual conference planning process, NJSACC regularly requests a waiver on the prohibition of in-State overnight travel that applies to school district staff. This allows principals or other school district staff to stay overnight. The waiver for NJSACC’s 2024 conference is forthcoming.
Conference Location and Accommodations:
The Marriott Princeton Hotel and Conference Center at Forrestal
100 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540
Room Reservations:
- Room Rates: from $174 – $184 per night
- Reservations must be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott reservations at (800) 228-9290 or (609) 452-7800.
- When you call make sure to mention the NJSACC Conference and the dates of the conference in order to receive the conference rate.
- Click here to make your room reservations online.
- Room reservations must be made on or before Friday, March 14, 2025.
While we at NJSACC love children and they are a driving force behind the work we do, children may not attend the conference. The conference is a professional development opportunity for adults, and as such, we respectfully request that you take this time to focus on you. If you do bring children, we must insist that you make other arrangements during conference hours. Children will not be permitted in the lunch area or in the workshops.
This conference is funded in part by the:
- NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development as part of a Federal CCDF Block Grant Earmark federal funds under Every Student Succeeds Act, Title IV, Part B, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, through a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Education.
For questions, please contact Jessica Heiberg, Director of Program Services, at: jessicaheiberg@njsacc.org and 908-789-0259
Interested sponsors should contact NJSACC via email here.
Click here to see the wrap-up from the 2024 Conference

New Jersey’s Annual Conference on Afterschool and Out-of-School Time (OST) 2025 celebrates long-term success in the ever-changing landscape of Afterschool, S.T.E.A.M. and Expanded Learning. The conference, taking place on Friday and Saturday, April 4 and 5, 2025, features dozens of workshops aimed at improving the quality of afterschool and out-of-school time programs.
Showcase Alley takes place on Friday, April 4, 2025 and is a special 1 day opportunity for you to promote your business and/or organization by securing an exhibit table. Showcase Alley is designed so that ALL conference participants are channeled through the exhibits between 11:35am to 1:20pm.
Historically, conference participants on Friday are those people who have the purchasing power for their youth serving organizations. They consist of program directors, school district leaders and front line staff. While registration numbers vary from year to year, vendors should be prepared to engage with 150 conference participants during Showcase Alley.
The health and safety of our attendees is our top priority. Conference participants must follow New Jersey’s COVID protocols while at The Marriott Princeton Hotel and Conference Center at Forrestal.
The conference will be held at the Marriott Princeton Hotel and Conference Center at Forrestal in Princeton, NJ, at the following address:
The Marriott Princeton Hotel and Conference Center at Forrestal
100 College Road East
Princeton, NJ 08540
While we at NJSACC love children and they are a driving force behind the work we do, children may not attend Showcase Alley. The conference as well as Showcase Alley is a professional development opportunity for adults, and as such, we respectfully request that you take this time to focus on you. If you do bring children, we must insist that you make other arrangements during conference and Showcase Alley hours.
Showcase Alley
208 Lenox Avenue
Westfield, NJ 07090
Please note that there is no fee for Not-for-Profits but you must be cleared by NJSACC Office prior to completing on-line registration form AND indicating your non-profit status in the registration form.
- The health and safety of our attendees is our top priority. Participants must follow COVID protocols while at The Marriott Princeton Hotel and Conference Center at Forrestal.
- Non Profit registration is free. For Profit registration is $200.
- Registration includes 1 table in the Showcase Alley area. Should you need an additional table, you may add one for a fee of $200. For an additional table, the fee applies to both Non Profits and For Profits.
- Each exhibitor will be provided with a 6 foot draped table with 2 chairs. You may bring your own table cloth, if you wish.
- Each exhibitor may bring an additional stand-up banner, if they wish. However, it must not block the view of other exhibitors.
- You may arrive no earlier than 9:30am on Friday, April 4, 2025 in The Alexander Ballroom at The Marriott Princeton Hotel and Conference Center at Forrestal.
- Name tags are not provided for Showcase Alley vendors.
- Please be available at your table from 11:35am – 1:20pm.
- There is electricity on the premises. Please bring extension cords.
- A complimentary coffee and snack station will be available – no lunch.
- Complimentary WIFI will be available – login details to be provided there.
Should you need further information please feel free to contact Tim Conkling, Chair of Showcase Alley, via email here.
Deadline for vendor registration is: Friday, March 21, 2025.
We look forward to seeing your business/organization become part of this great opportunity!
Check out some of the comments below!
"The presenters and workshops were wonderful and informative."
- A Full STEAM Ahead participant and and school social worker
"This workshop was excellent. Keep up the great work!"
- A Full STEAM Ahead participant and Site Coordinator
"Arlyn did an awesome job and Dagmar is a great communicator."
- A Full STEAM Ahead participant and Math teacher
"I liked the hands-on workshops!"
- A Full STEAM Ahead participant and teacher