NJSACC: New Jersey’s Afterschool and Out-of-School Time (OST) Professional Network

208 Lenox Avenue #363

Westfield, NJ 07090




Celebrate NJSACC’s 30th Anniversary and Become an Afterschool Hero!

NJSACC is New Jersey’s Afterschool and Out-of-School Time Professional Network and our mission is to foster the growth, quality, and sustainability of out-of-school time providers, professionals, and organizations to expand access and opportunity for New Jersey’s youth and families. Envisioning that every youth and family in NJ has access to high-quality and sustainable out-of-school time programs. NJSACC’s purpose addresses the challenges that the Out-of-School Time (OST) profession faces including equity, access, capacity, and connections towards creating a strong, valued profession benefitting youth, families, and communities.

NJSACC strives to contribute to a more diverse, equitable and inclusive New Jersey community through the following work:

  • Build and support a strong, professional network for afterschool and out-of-school time providers, programs and professionals in New Jersey.
  • Provide professional development, conferences, workshops and resources to meet the needs of OST professionals and professional organizations.
  • Offer technical assistance, free or low cost, for the development, expansion and improvement of afterschool and OST programs throughout NJ. Technical assistance means that we are available to field questions, help OST programs and providers identify resources and activities, and provide guidance for continuous program quality.
  • Work closely with state and local officials to define appropriate NJ State regulations and legislation.
  • Establish professional development opportunities.
  • Develop public awareness of afterschool issues.

NJSACC provides a variety of professional development experiences to meet the diverse needs of New Jersey’s afterschool and out-of-school time communities. NJSACC has a track record of quality professional development provided by highly skilled and experienced trainers and consultants. The professional development options range from the largest annual statewide conference for afterschool and out-of-school time on the east coast to localized trainings held throughout the state, including our annual mini-conference dedicated to science, technology, engineering, arts and math called Full STEAM Ahead! Programs also have the option to arrange for a trainer to come directly to their location to train their staff. In addition, NJSACC offers access to online trainings so that providers can meet their professional development needs on their own time.

Your sponsorship dollars help us continue to provide innovative and high quality trainings, workshops, and conferences. Our 2023 conference, with almost 300 participants, impacted on 23,842 children in the state of New Jersey. When participants share training knowledge with others, this figure grows exponentially, and more children are impacted.

Sponsorship Fact Sheet

Why is afterschool and out-of-school time (OST) important?

Effective afterschool and OST programs bring a wide range of benefits to youth, families, and communities. Afterschool programs can boost academic performance, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe, structured environment.

Quality OST programs provide the following:

  • Homework Help and Tutoring
  • Nutritious Snacks and Meals
  • College and Career Exploration
  • Fun and Enriching Activities: physical activities/clubs, STEM, field trips, visual and performing arts, community service
  • Caring Adults and Positive Role Models

Did you know…?

  • 64% of New Jersey parents say afterschool programs help children gain workforce skills
  • More than 231,000 kids are enrolled in afterschool, but 422,000 more are waiting for an available program
  • Nearly 268,000 kids across New Jersey are alone and unsupervised from 3pm to 6pm, the peak hours for kids to commit or become victims of crime
  • 78% of New Jersey parents say that afterschool programs help give working parents peace of mind

Our vision: 

  • Every youth and family in New Jersey has access to high-quality and sustainable out-of-school time programs.

Our goals:

  • Create a sustainable structure of statewide, regional, and local partnerships, particularly school-community partnerships, focused on supporting policy development at all levels.
  • Support the development and growth of statewide policies that will secure the resources that are needed to sustain new and existing afterschool programs.
  • Support statewide systems to ensure programs are of high quality.

Conference Sponsorship Levels

Become a Platinum Hero: $4,500

  • 5 minute keynote speaking engagement
  • Full page ad included in the annual conference materials
  • Your logo on a Special Thanks poster (i.e., “NJSACC thanks. . .”)
  • Short Special Thanks video with your logo (i.e., “NJSACC thanks. . .”)
  • 3 social media posts / mentions
  • 1 post-conference mention via social media

Become a Gold Hero: $3,500

  • 1/2 page ad included in the annual conference materials
  • Your logo on a Special Thanks poster (i.e., “NJSACC thanks. . .”)
  • 2 social media posts / mentions
  • 1 post-conference mention via social media

Become a Silver Hero: $2,500

  • 1/2 page ad included in the conference materials
  • Your logo on a Special Thanks poster (i.e., “NJSACC thanks. . .”)
  • 1 social media post / mention

Sponsor a Conference Attendee: $500

  • Highlight during morning remarks
  • Your name on a Special Thanks poster (i.e., “NJSACC thanks. . .”)

Interested sponsors should contact NJSACC via email here.