NJSACC provides a variety of professional development experiences to meet the diverse needs of New Jersey’s Afterschool & OST Professional Network. NJSACC has a track record of quality professional development provided by highly skilled and experience trainers and consultants. NJSACC has a menu of training to fit your program schedule and budget.
The Professional Development options range from the largest Annual statewide conference for afterschool on the east coast to monthly centralized county trainings. You can also arrange for a trainer to do onsite workshop for your staff. Webinars make training accessible by providing Professional Development on your own time.
NJSACC can assist licensed programs with fulfilling annual Professional Development Requirements (8 Hours for program staff and 19 Hours for Directors).

“Time and attention paid to Professional Development activities will directly improve the overall quality of the program. It results in increased competence on the job, ability to accept growing levels of responsibility, deepening commitment to the program, improve understanding of school age child care, strengthening working relationships and communications skills, promoting a greater personal growth, self awareness and, feelings of connectedness to the total program.”
– School Age Child Care, An Action Manual