GRANT: United Way of Greater Newark $10K Grants for OST programs in Greater Newark - apply by Fri Sep 15
September, 2023
Request for Proposals
Accelerating Newark OST Experiences
United Way of Greater Newark
For 100 years, United Way of Greater Newark (UWGN) has engaged communities within our 13-municipality footprint in creating community based and community led solutions that strengthens the cornerstones for a good quality of life: health, education, and financial stability. The mission of UWGN is to disrupt the cycle of poverty by convening, collaborating and investing in strategies to improve outcome for children and families.
UWGN increases access to quality educational resources and services for youth and families by convening and collaborating with key educational stakeholders and investing in out-of-school time youth program providers. The mission of Newark Thrives! is to improve access to and participation in high-quality out of school time opportunities for Newark youth by leveraging resources, convening stakeholders, and empowering young people, families, and educators. The vision of Newark Thrives! is to engage every child in Newark in high-quality experiences outside of school time so that they will grow, develop, and thrive.
Grantees may apply for up to $10,000.
Proposals must also include the following:
- Organizational budget
- 990
- Audited financial statements
- List of Board of Directors
- 501 C (3) tax-id letter
If you have any questions regarding this RFP or proposal, please contact Justin Artenant at: jartenant@uwnewark.org.
Proposals are due by September 15, 2023, 5 p.m. to the following:
- Catherine Wilson
- President and CEO
- United Way of Greater Newark
- Cwilson@uwnewark.org