Introductory text goes here.
Starting a program: state and federal guidelines
- For camps, Department of Health
- For birth – 13: DFD Office of Licensing
- Research other state and federal guidelines
- Local CCR&Rs
Professional development opportunities for Afterschool/Out-of-School Time (AS/OST)
- Grow NJ Kids
- / sign up for the FLASH for news, webinars, grants, and more
- Local CCR&Rs
- Rutgers University
Mandated Health & Safety/Child Development/Mandated Reporting training
Employment opportunities (can programs post open positions in this space and then it’s duplicated for the “youth” hiring opportunities section?)
- NJSACC Jobs pages
- Idealist
- Indeed
- Research other jobs pages/portals
- Universities, County Colleges (Career Center)
- Employment Offices and the Labor Department websites (online portals?)
- Other
Introductory text goes here.
Find programs near my home (can this be zip code-based like the Head Start model?)
County Parks & Recreation Departments
NJSACC’s 21st CCLC page (with grantees list)
Can 21st CCLC provide some kind of program locator
CCR&R’s Family Engagement Specialists
Food Insecurities
Developmental screenings (Infants to age 5 with Ages & Stages Questionnaire Screenings)
Child Development Concerns
SEL resources
Community Connections (Refugee and Immigrant Families)
Access to regional utility management resources
Provide connection to local Family Success Centers (e.g., resume development, job search, child rearing, community engagement opportunities, etc.)
Parental Advocacy (via FES, SPAN)
AS/OST Quality checklist (is there a parent-friendly checklist like we have for childcare?)
Grow NJ Kids – family can know what to look for in a quality afterschool program / show any indicators for what a quality program looks like
Family Questionnaire or Checklist – based on NJQSA / Licensing Indicators
Afterschool Programming – checklist
NJ Quality Standards – quality program checklist itself?
Introductory text goes here.
Jobs/Careers in AS/OST
- NJ Civil Service
- Research College/Career opportunities
- Introduction to the Afterschool/OST profession by informing youth of potential parenting needs and also a career opportunity
- High School Graduation Requirements as it connects to the Afterschool/OST space
- Department of Labor and Workforce Development: Young Workers
- Youth Serve America
- NYLC Service Learning Grants
- Volunteering at local Afterschool/OST programs
- Mentoring
- Family Support Organizations
- Youth Partnership
Hiring opportunities (can programs list in this section throughout the year?)
- NJSACC Jobs pages
- Idealist
- Indeed
- League of Municipalities
- Research other jobs pages/portals
- Universities, County Colleges (Career Center)
- Employment Offices and the Labor Department websites (online portals?)
- Other