Register for #SELday 2023 and the Summit!
We define social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development.
SEL4US and the Urban Assembly invite schools and communities around the globe to celebrate the importance of social emotional learning (SEL) on the fourth annual International SEL Day on Friday, March 10, 2023. Our theme this year is Uplifting Hearts, Connecting Minds.
Given the overwhelming support and demand for SEL, we’re beginning SEL Day celebrations early this year with the launch of National SEL Week. From March 6-10, we’re rallying together online for five days to showcase the growing support and evidence for SEL, culminating with our summit and social media blitz on SEL Day, March 10th. Check out our toolkits and badges for ways to engage all week.
Attend our SEL Day Summit
NEW THIS YEAR! Attend our SEL Day Summit. Your registration includes access to our free all-day, online event showcasing SEL best practices from states across the country and around the globe. Detailed agenda coming soon—here’s a sneak preview:
- Kick-off keynote session on the state of SEL in the U.S. with David Adams, Dr. Maurice Elias, and Dr. Aaliyah Samuel.
- Additional keynote sessions focused on student perspectives of SEL, results of new meta-analyses on the impact of SEL, and the importance of SEL for workforce development.
- Sessions from our state alliances focused on: supporting youth mental health, overcoming educator burnout, parenting with SEL, integrating SEL into curricula, and more!