This Valentine’s season, share why you love your afterschool program!

There are millions of reasons to love afterschool. Afterschool programs keep kids safe, inspire learning, and help working families. Tell the world why you, your students, and your community love your afterschool program!

Elevate youth voices

In addition to the inspiring stories we hear from afterschool programs every year, this year we’re encouraging young people to share why they love afterschool! We’re asking afterschool youth to tell us what they think, feel, appreciate, or miss about their afterschool programs. Young people age 13 and up are invited to share their views in writing, videos, or art pieces through our Youth Voice Story Collection survey.

How to participate

It’s easy:

  1. Print the next page, fill it out (and have parents and students do so!)
  2. Snap a photo of the finished product (or a selfie of you and your message)
  3. Upload it to your favorite social media sites with the hashtag #IHeartAfterschool and tag @afterschool4all, or simply share an afterschool photo or message of your own using the hashtag. Check below for some sample messages.

And you’re done! Follow the hashtag and see how other afterschool programs are showing their love.

Want to magnify your impact? Personalized messages resonate with policymakers. Find and tag your representatives with this simple tool. And when you’re done, mail the finished templates to your member of Congress’ district office. Find your member of Congress here.

click here to learn more