NIOST Training
NJSACC in partnership with the National Institute on Out-of-School Time Presents: Leading For Quality During Uncertain Times
click here to view this virtual training schedule at-a-glance (PDF)
Early Bird Registration Cost: $90
$110 thereafter
Attendance at all session dates is required. You don’t want to miss any of these dynamic sessions!
What does effective leadership look like when the only certainty is uncertainty? Learn to lead your team through a rapidly shifting world in this new Leading for Quality virtual training.
Up your leadership savvy and attend NJSACC’s “Leading for Quality During Uncertain Times” virtual training created specifically for New Jersey out-of-school time professionals. Five (5) 90-120 minute live, virtual sessions take place on August 3, 5, 10, 12, and 19, 2020. The National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST), in partnership with NJSACC: Statewide Afterschool Network, will focus on here-and-now leadership, action planning and preparation for Fall re-entry that is responsive to change and is supportive of your staff, youth, families and community partners.
Come learn how to strengthen your organization through five interactive, virtual sessions featuring highly engaging learning activities. Session topics are:
Session 1 Aug. 3, 2020 10am – 11:30am: Situational leadership and other strategies – ways to move from reactionary to responsiveness
Session 2 Aug. 5, 2020 10am – 11:30am: Embrace change leadership – knowing how to pivot or adapt your operations as the school year convenes
Session 3 Aug. 10, 2020 10am – 11:30am: Engage your family, school, and community partners in new ways – create a unified whole child approach
Session 4 Aug. 12, 2020 10am – 11:30am: New ways of leading to serve the social-emotional needs of all the children and youth you serve
Session 5 Aug. 19, 2020 10am – 12pm: Participants will brainstorm, discuss, create and share action plans for their programs.
Targeted Audience is 21st CCLC Directors and non-21st CCLC program coordinators who are:
Looking to reflect, be pro-active, and enhance their own leadership style.
Ready to apply leadership skills that enable staff, reassure families, and provide safety to children and youth.
Impact program quality in virtual, in-person, and blended settings.
Seeking capacity to better manage and operate their program for youth and staff.
Previous in-person attendees welcome to register and continue to enhance their leadership skills.
Training Components:
Sessions 1-4: four 1.5-hour Zoom interactive sessions incorporating the NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool, provided by NIOST; August 3rd, 5th, 10th and 12th)
Session 5: 2-hour interactive Zoom session, focused on Action Planning and Fall Preparation, provided by NJSACC; August 19th
Each participant will receive an electronic resource guide for personal reflection and reference.
The Zoom meeting links will be sent to registered participants closer to the training dates.
“This project was funded in part with federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by No Child Left Behind, Title IV, Part B, 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) grant funds through a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Education,” and open to all out-of-school time program directors/coordinators statewide.
Questions? Contact NJSACC at:
click here to register