Full STEAM Ahead: Re-Imagined! Water Science with Ms. Willa (21st CASP)
LINK: https://www.njsacc.org/2020/07/join-njsacc-aug-18-20-for-full-steam-ahead-re-imagined-register-free-by-8-17/
NJSACC: The Statewide Network for New Jersey’s Afterschool Communities in partnership with C. S. Mott Foundation Presents: Full STEAM Ahead: Re-Imagined!
Tuesday – Thursday | August 18, 19, 20, 2020 | 10am
Featuring 3 Days of S.T.E.A.M. focused, virtual workshops for providers working with school-age youth
Topics include: The 21ST Century Afterschool Science Project, New Jersey Audubon, NBA Math Hoops, Robotics, STEM Equity… and more!
Register FREE by Monday, August 17, 2020 at NJCCIS.com
Who should attend?
Front Line Staff
Program Directors
Youth Workers
Others interested in trying STEAM activities in their afterschool program or anywhere!
DAY 3: Thursday, August 20
August 20: 10-11:30am Willa Thayer, MS, Middle School Science Teacher
Water Science with Ms. Willa
This virtual workshop will take you through the 21st Century Afterschool Science Project (21st CASP) free, inquiry-based learning science curriculum. This curriculum explores and investigates water and water ecosystems. In this training you will learn about the 21st CASP model, perform hands-on activities from the first part of the curriculum, as well as observe and discuss additional activities available to you. The 21st CASP project is a great resource to add to your afterschool program to engage staff and students in the wonders of science!