🚀 The Flight Crew aims to uplift young voices in STEM from across the nation
The STEM Next Opportunity Fund has just launched the application process for its fourth Flight Crew cohort. The Flight Crew aims to uplift young voices in STEM from across the nation to inspire their peers and demonstrate that STEM is for everyone and takes place everywhere.
This is an opportunity to help identify a representative for afterschool and summer STEM programs in YOUR state!
This year’s Flight Crew welcomes ALL youth ages 13-18.
Let’s engage remarkable youth from YOUR STATE who can discuss:
Their first-hand and meaningful STEM experiences occurring outside the classroom
The challenges they have faced and overcome, their desire to address community issues, and how they inspire their peers’ interest in STEM.
Their experiences in building STEM skills through teamwork and problem-solving.
Their ability to connect STEM experiences to real-life situations and STEM careers.
Selected Flight Crew members will exemplify a STEM mindset, be committed to enhancing afterschool STEM learning to create a brighter future for youth everywhere, and serve as youth ambassadors for OST STEM and STEM career pathways in your area.
🚀 Top Opportunities in February - STEM Next
STEM Next has some terrific opportunities coming up next month, celebrating National Engineers Week with DiscoverE, National Inventors’ Day, International Day of Women and Girls in Science and more exciting engineering and math opportunities! Check out the highlights below:
Start planning for Engineers Week with DiscoverE’s FREE Engineers Week 2025 and Introduce a Girl to Engineering resources.
Professional development opportunities including a math fluency game series to engage youth in math.
Hands-on Activities and Engineering Challenges with the Museum of Science, Boston’s Youth Engineering Solutions (YES) designed to engage students in authentic, hands-on challenges connected to their lives and communities.
Amazing Training and Transformative Practices to enhance STEM learning and create meaningful experiences for youth.
Check out our STEM Learning Journeys Powered by Verizon™ and STEM Next! These hands-on, themed lesson bundles make it easy for programs to engage students in critical STEM topics like climate action, coding, and AI.
Let’s empower young minds with these impactful STEM resources!